Learn How To Do Zercher Carry And Its Benefits


  1. Load a barbell or weight:

    • Load the barbell or weight you intend to use for the exercise.

    • Begin with a lighter weight to practice proper form, gradually increasing as you build strength.

  2. Grip the weight:

    • Stand in front of the barbell with feet shoulder-width apart.

    • Squat down, grabbing the barbell with both hands and placing it in the bend of your elbows, close to your chest.

    • Elbows should point forward, and hands rest on your biceps.

  3. Stand up:

    • Stand up, maintaining the weight in the crook of your elbows.

    • Keep shoulders back, chest lifted, and brace your core for good posture.

  4. Walk:

    • Start walking with the weight, taking steady steps.

    • Maintain straight posture, avoiding forward or side bending.

    • Focus your eyes straight ahead for better balance.

  5. Finish the set:

    • Walk for the desired distance or time.

    • Stop and carefully lower the weight back to the ground.

    • Repeat for the desired sets and reps.

Personal trainer tips:

  • Prioritize proper form to minimize injury risk.

  • Start with lighter weights and progress gradually.

  • Keep back and core straight, avoiding excessive bending while carrying.

  • Consider working with a coach or using a power rack with safety bars for added safety.


  1. Total-body strength development:

    • Engages core stability, legs, back, and arms for comprehensive full-body strength development.

    • Aids in achieving a stronger, more athletic physique.

  2. Improved posture:

    • Forces maintenance of an upright position, enhancing lower back, ab, and core strength.

    • Counters effects of prolonged sitting, contributing to better overall posture and reduced risk of lower back pain.

  3. Improved balance and coordination:

    • Challenges balance and coordination during the carry, leading to improvements over time.

  4. Increased calorie burn:

    • Requires significant energy expenditure, making it effective for calorie burning and overall fitness improvement.



Full body

